Arthur, creator of Hostly, comes from an 18-year career as head of one of the main franchise consultancies in the country. In 2020 he decided to invest the gains from a successful career in a rental property in Serra Gaúcha.

An apartment advertised on the main rental platforms, in the region of Gramado and Canela, the second most visited tourist destination in Brazil... what could go wrong?

In the first few months there was not a single reservation on the property. As an investment property, Arthur didn't want to rent just to generate some income, but rather to obtain the best possible performance. He soon understood that to achieve the expected results it would be necessary to master all the secrets behind booking platforms, in addition to providing the best experience for guests and, thus, receiving top ratings!

Alone it would be much more difficult! Especially living two hours away from your rental property.


Hostly was born with the mission of providing the best experiences for everyone: guests and owners.


Good experiences for everyone.


Being among the top three most remembered brands for short-term rental management.


Perfectionism, Confidence, Comfort, Ease, Innovation, Commitment

Good experiences for everyone!